Saturday, April 27, 2013

Apps, Apps, Apps!

There are so many great apps out there, not to mention some of those are free! Here are a few of our favorites in first grade...

Spelling City: This app is great for spelling practice. Our school has the each spelling list uploaded for each week. Out kids can use this app to take practice tests, play hangman, and other games. It is just hard for me to assign spelling homework with all of the other things I have for my kids to do. This game allows them to get extra practice in a fun way.

Jumbled Sentences: This game is a big hit. Students must put the words in the correct sequence to make the sentence. They earn points which they may then spend buying stickers. There are several versions of this app. Some look a little girly and some are suitable for boys. This link should tell you a little more about it.Did I mention it is FREE???

Toontastic: Another great freebie! My more advanced students do great with this app. They create stories using this app. Here is a link to tell you more. There are lots of little details that the students may use.

 Phonics Tic Tac Toe: I don't know about other kids, but my kiddos LOVE to play tic tac toe. This app is great! Specific phonics skills are incorporated into this fun game. Take a look


  1. Spelling City sounds like a very useful app. My students have problem with the code and any reinforcement they can get would be fantastic. Spelling is always fun when you are competing!

  2. I am very interested in the Jumbled Sentence app. I always have a difficult time teaching my students about rearranging words to make a sentence. I feel this app would be a wonderful intervention tool.

  3. My daughter likes the tic tac toe phonics app. The more practice the students can get in various ways, the better! win, win, win!
